Red Eyes: Know More About It and The Treatment
Have you heard about Red eyes or Bloodshot eyes? This might both sound and look scary at the same time. Regarding eyes, everyone likes to prefer natural approaches instead of modern medicine. There are many available treatments, which may be useful for controlling this symptom in Ayurveda. Some of them include placing cool compress over the eyes, using Ayurvedic eye drops for red eyes, and more. However, before we move on to the treatment, let us first understand what red eyes are.
Know about the term- Red eyes
We have all experienced red, bloodshot eyes at some point, often due to seemingly minor reasons such as insufficient sleep or prolonged periods of staring at a computer screen. The intense focus on the screen can lead to reduced blinking frequency, causing the eye's surface to dry up and result in redness.
Red eyes are known by various names, including bloodshot eyes, scleral injection, and conjunctival injection.The primary cause of eye redness is usually the swelling or dilation of blood vessels. As a result, the surface of the eye appears red or bloodshot.
When experiencing a painless red eye, the primary causes are typically minor eye issues like conjunctivitis or a burst blood vessel. Fortunately, these conditions usually do not affect your vision significantly, and in many cases, they improve within a week or two with minimal intervention. Consulting an optometrist will help identify your symptoms and provide suitable treatments to address the issue effectively.
A red eye is generally not a cause for immediate concern, as it often resolves on its own. However, it's essential to be cautious, as there are instances where it might indicate a more serious condition, requiring medical attention.
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Symptoms of Bloodshot eyes or Red eyes:
Bloodshot eyes are frequently accompanied by the following common symptoms:
- Itchiness: A sensation of irritation or itch in and around the eyes, which can lead to frequent rubbing.
- Tearing: Excessive production of tears, causing the eyes to become watery and potentially leading to blurred vision.
- Burning: A discomforting burning sensation in the eyes, often associated with redness and inflammation.
Frequently encountered eye irritants
Below are some frequently encountered eye irritants:
- Pollen (hay fever): Plants’ released allergens that may cause problems for sensitive persons resulting in red, itchy, and watery eyes.
- Chlorine from swimming pools: Chlorine found in pool water is known to cause dry eyes and reddening of the eye among those with hypersensitivity to chemicals.
- Pets: The eyes may be irritated by animal dander, fur or pet saliva in a pet-allergic person.
- Dust: Tiny airborne particles like dust can make their way into the eyes, leading to irritation and redness.
- Mold: Molds produce fungal spores that may lead to eye inflammation and can further cause itching and burning of the eyes, more so in humid regions.
Cigarette smoke: Contact of the eyes with cigarette smoke causes reddening and irritation.
Perspective of Ayurveda:
From the perspective of Ayurveda, bloodshot eyes can be attributed to various factors. A lack of sleep (Vata), irritation caused by contact lenses or debris (Vata), allergies (Pitta), heat-related conditions, or blood stagnation might lead to this issue. To alleviate bloodshot eyes, Ayurveda suggests using cucumbers on the eyes, purifying the blood, and soothing the liver. These remedies can be beneficial in promoting eye health and reducing redness.
Ayurvedic remedies for red eyes:
Ayurvedic home remedies offer effective ways to manage conjunctivitis and alleviate its symptoms. Here are some natural home treatments that can provide relief:
- Amla and Honey: Prepare a mixture of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice with honey and consume it twice daily. This combination aids in quick healing and helps soothe the eyes.
- Ayurvedic eye drops: Ayurvedic eye drops by Jagta Pharma are made up of top quality ingredients that can help to provide relief from itchiness and in turn sooth the eyes and improve the condition.
Coconut Oil: Apply some pure coconut oil into each eye and lie down for some time till the swelling and itching are reduced.
- Cucumber Slice:
- To alleviate eye discomfort, place a new piece of cucumber over the eyelids thereby inducing a cooling and healing feeling.
- Cold Compress: Soak a small, clean cloth in cold water and gently place it over the affected eye. This cold compress helps alleviate pain and irritation.
Things to remember:
Frequent handwashing is crucial. Avoid touching your eyes unless you have just washed your hands. Additionally, remember to change your bedding and towels daily to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
To prevent further irritation, avoid triggers like smoke, fumes, pollen, dust, chlorine, or pet dander. If you're unsure about the cause of your eye irritation, consult an allergist for testing to identify specific allergens.
If mold is the culprit behind your red eyes, take steps to address the issue by cleaning mold in your home. Additionally, consider using a dehumidifier to reduce excess moisture, which can help control mold growth and improve eye symptoms.
These Ayurvedic remedies can be valuable in managing conjunctivitis symptoms and promoting faster healing. While using eye drops for red eyes or Ayurvedic eye drops for cataract, you need to be reminded not to over use the drops at any cost. Anything in excess can be harmful to your eyes and if you face any issues while using the drops, make sure to consult your doctor.
Thankfully, these conditions rarely cause much of an interference on one’s eyesight, and in most cases, they may even clear up by themselves after approximately ten days without any treatment. Visiting an optometrist will confirm whether you have some symptoms and guide you on some effective treatments for the problem.
Red eyes usually do not have serious implications and go away on their own in most cases. However, one needs to be careful because it could also represent another severe case that would require treatment from a medic.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When to seek medical attention?
It is advisable to seek medical assistance if you experience conjunctivitis accompanied by any of the following symptoms:
- Pain in one or both eyes.
- Unusual sensitivity to light or blurred vision that doesn't improve even after clearing eye secretions.
- Severe redness in the eyes.
- Symptoms that worsen or show no improvement after 24 hours of using antibiotics.
- If your immune system is weakened due to certain conditions or medications, seeking prompt medical attention is crucial. Visiting your doctor when encountering these signs can help ensure a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment to address the underlying cause effectively.
What are the common causes of red eyes?
Common causes of red eye include:
- Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the thin tissue covering the eyeball and inner eyelids, resulting in bloodshot appearance, gritty sensation, itchiness, watery eyes, and sticky eyelashes. It can be caused by infections, allergies (e.g., pollen), or irritants like chlorine or dust. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, however sometimes it resolves on its own without intervention.
- Burst Blood Vessel: Straining, coughing, or eye injuries can lead to burst blood vessels on the eye surface, creating a bright red blotch. Although it might appear alarming, it is usually not serious and tends to clear up within a few weeks.
- Iritis: Inflammation of the iris (colored part of the eye) can cause redness, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and headaches. Iritis typically responds well to treatment with steroid medication to reduce inflammation and rarely leads to severe complications.
- Acute Glaucoma: A sudden increase in eye pressure can result in a very red and painful eye, accompanied by nausea, halos around lights, and blurred or cloudy vision. Acute glaucoma is a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.
- Corneal Ulcer: The eye becomes red and sensitive to light, and it may feel like something is stuck in the eye. Bacterial corneal ulcers are more common in contact lens wearers, while viral corneal ulcers are more frequent in those who experience frequent cold sores. Severe ulcers can lead to permanent vision loss if not promptly treated.
- Scratch to the Cornea or Foreign Object in the Eye: A red and painful eye may occur due to a foreign particle, such as grit, entering the eye. An optician can assist in removing the object with the help of anesthetic drops.
If you experience red eye along with any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek appropriate medical attention to diagnose the underlying cause and receive timely treatment if necessary.
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