Uncover The Truth Behind Healthy Labeled Foods
We believe what our favorite celebrities say on TV or share on social media. Most commercials show packed food or some western food items as healthy alternatives to typical Indian food or herbs. But have you read the label of those highly advertised food items carefully or gone through the nutritional facts on the internet? No! Most of us don’t do that and that is how we fall into a trap. During the times of Covid there were a lot of companies who came up with food items that increase immunity, but do they really do? You could have seen a biscuit packet with “immunity booster” written on it. And we all know that's not the way of getting the white blood cells of your body ready to fight infections.
Let us burst the myth and know what type of nutritional values the so-called labeled healthy food items actually have.
We all have seen celebs and sports persons holding a cup of commercial health drinks and boasting that the particular product is the secret behind their stamina. Well! That's a lie in most cases. Commercial energy drinks are loaded with excessive sugar, often in the form of chemically processed sugars, which is detrimental to both your own health and that of your children. The substantial presence of this single ingredient alone renders them an unfavorable nutritional choice. If you want to know how to increase your immune system and stamina, then we would suggest going for natural products and supplements like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, etc. You can also make health drinks for kids at home using powdered almonds, cashew, date powders, various seeds etc. These are not only healthy with loads of vitamins & minerals, but are absolutely free from artificial ingredients.
The majority of commercially available breakfast cereals fall into the category of ultra-processed foods. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) advises individuals to restrict their consumption of these products, whether they are organic or conventional. Consuming a diet that is predominantly composed of ultra-processed foods has been associated with a heightened risk of various health conditions, including depression, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Common everyday products like breakfast cereals and commercially manufactured or packaged bread can be classified as ultra-processed foods. This categorization stems from the frequent inclusion of additional ingredients, such as emulsifiers, sweeteners, and artificial colors and flavors, during their production.
On the other hand natural food is typically characterized as minimally processed and devoid of artificial additives or preservatives. Home-cooked meals feature wholesome ingredients with lower levels of carbohydrates, fats, and sugar. Preparing food at home is more cost-effective compared to eating out. It's a well-known fact that homemade dishes align better with the recommendations for a healthy diet as opposed to fast food options. Additionally, cooking at home lowers the risk of childhood obesity.
Read More: 4 Top Natural Ingredients To Boost Immunity
Packed fruit juices
Packaged juices are low in fiber and high in sugar, contributing to increased insulin resistance. It's a common misconception that buying these juice cartons is a healthy choice, but unfortunately, this is not the case. When we compare them to freshly squeezed juice or whole fresh fruits, boxed juices do not offer the same level of nutritional value. The fact that packaged juices can last for a year may seem good, but the process of preserving them by using heat actually makes them lose all their vitamins. If packaged juices have patulin, it's a sign that they were likely made from low-quality fruits. Juices that have had the air removed are labeled as 'preservative-free.' This process is called deoxygenation. However, fruits and vegetables lose quality when their oxygen is taken away. Preserved liquids usually taste good and are sweet, but they achieve this with artificial flavors and sugar, both of which are not good for our health. These are high in calories and can lead to weight gain or obesity. Even though juice packages claim to be 100% fruit juice, they often contain just 25% actual fruit. On top of that, they have a lot of sugar and only a small amount of vitamins and antioxidants.
Compared to packaged foods, homemade meals made from fresh ingredients give you all the important nutrients and vitamins without any extra stuff. The packed food and artificial additives can lead to:
Trouble with insulin (which controls blood sugar)
Getting too overweight
Heart problems
Liver problems
Fresh food and supplements made from natural ingredients like shilajit resin, Ashwagandha, etc. are full of things that help your heart, like antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and good fats. It also has a lot of fiber, which is good for your body's metabolism, immunity and helps your digestion.
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