
Jul- 23- 2024

Essential Tips for Ultraviolet Safety Awareness Month

Importance of Ultraviolet Awareness Month This month is marked as Ultraviolet Awareness Month, which promotes education and proactive measures to safeguard against the potential health...
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Jul- 16- 2024

Jagat Pharma: Bringing 'Happy Health to You' to Every Home!

With over 35 years of dedicated service, Jagat Pharma has consistently pursued its vision of enhancing overall wellness through Ayurvedic remedies. Through initiatives like "Happy...
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Jul- 11- 2024

Eye Care Tips for a Monsoon Season

During the monsoon season, conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, becomes a concern due to increased humidity and potential exposure to bacteria or viruses. To...
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Jul- 8- 2024

Eye Allergies & Its Reasons

The human eye is finely tuned to perceive light and translate it into visual information. However, this sensitivity also makes the eyes susceptible to seasonal...
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Jun- 28- 2024

10 Best Foods to Improve Eyesight

Eating healthy impacts eye health in a good way, there are foods to improve Eyesight. Certain foods enhance Eyesight by providing essential nutrients like vitamin...
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Jun- 27- 2024

What is the Impact of Smoking on Your Eyesight?

Smoking significantly harms vision by increasing various eye problems. Let's know how smoking affects your vision? Smoking escalates the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD),...
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Jun- 20- 2024

10 Shilajit Benefits for Men to Improve their Health

What is Shilajit? Shilajit is a naturally occurring substance that comes from the Himalayan mountains and other mountain ranges in Central Asia. It is a...
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Jun- 18- 2024

What is the main cause of Cataract?

Cataract is like looking through a foggy window that blurs the world around you, making it difficult to see clearly; the same happens when cataracts...
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Jun- 4- 2024

10 Easy Tips to Improve Eyesight Naturally

In today's digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, maintaining good eyesight is more important than ever. The question arises, how to improve eyesight?...
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May- 31- 2024

अब सर्जरी नहीं दवाई से भी मोतियाबिंद का इलाज संभव, जानिए कैसे

मोतियाबिंद क्या होता है? मोतियाबिंद (Cataract) एक आँख की बीमारी है जो आँख के लेंस के क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाने से होती है। इसमें लेंस का...
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May- 27- 2024

When Should I Take Shilajit Capsules?

Shilajit is a natural substance and is the source of minerals and bioactive compounds. Revered in Ayurveda, it offers various health benefits, like boosting energy...
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May- 22- 2024

Why is Isotine Eye Drop Good for Your Eyes?

Nowadays screens dominate our daily lives  and environmental factors constantly challenge our vision, maintaining eye health is paramount. Amidst various eye care products, Isotine Plus Eye...
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May- 20- 2024

10 Essential Nutrients That Improve Eyesight

Good eyesight is crucial for our daily functioning and overall well-being. Proper eye nutrition, including foods high in antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene, is...
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May- 16- 2024

7 Tips For Healthy Eyes in Summer Season

During summer, maintaining eye health is crucial due to increased exposure to UV rays and potential risks of dehydration. Isotine Eye Drops emerge as a...
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Apr- 19- 2024


Eye health and allergies are closely intertwined, with allergens like pollen, dust, and pet dander triggering uncomfortable symptoms. Allergic reactions can lead to itchy, red,...
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Apr- 18- 2024

How Long Does it Take for Shilajit to Work?

Shilajit is a powerful natural remedy used in traditional medicine like Ayurveda. It's known for its possible health perks, such as boosting energy, sharpening thinking...
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