
Aug- 8- 2024

Reasons For Vision Loss & Maintaining Eye Health

What is sudden vision loss? Sudden vision loss refers to a rapid and unexpected decrease in vision, which can occur over a few seconds to...
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May- 31- 2024

अब सर्जरी नहीं दवाई से भी मोतियाबिंद का इलाज संभव, जानिए कैसे

मोतियाबिंद क्या होता है? मोतियाबिंद (Cataract) एक आँख की बीमारी है जो आँख के लेंस के क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाने से होती है। इसमें लेंस का...
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May- 22- 2024

Why is Isotine Eye Drop Good for Your Eyes?

Nowadays screens dominate our daily lives  and environmental factors constantly challenge our vision, maintaining eye health is paramount. Amidst various eye care products, Isotine Plus Eye...
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May- 20- 2024

10 Essential Nutrients That Improve Eyesight

Good eyesight is crucial for our daily functioning and overall well-being. Proper eye nutrition, including foods high in antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene, is...
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May- 16- 2024

7 Tips For Healthy Eyes in Summer Season

During summer, maintaining eye health is crucial due to increased exposure to UV rays and potential risks of dehydration. Isotine Eye Drops emerge as a...
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